On Wed, October 18, 2006 3:05 am, Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema wrote:



> It has worked fine for me, but I just can't read your regexp, so I
> can't
> see why it's better.

For starters, I belive this URL will work for them, but not you:


I think you are also missing the new-fangled .musuem and other TLDs.

I can't read PCRE well enough to say for sure for either of them,

But I'd have to say that sucking down Perl's Common one that a zillion
people are more or less happy with [*] is probably a better answer
than rolling your own.

[*] I'm under no illusion that there aren't a couple thousand Perl
users arguing over this PCRE right this minute, but happiness is

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