Maybe you mean a bug tracker?


on Monday 23 October 2006 17:12, tedd wrote:
> Hi:
> I posted this on the web-design list, but didn't receive any leads.
> I want to continue what I've been doing, which is to offer various
> code solutions for people via my web site, but I would like to add a
> feature where people can comment on the code. Such as if they found
> it useful, or found an error, or general comment -- you know, you've
> seen this before. Also, I want the code to be secure and allow me to
> edit users comments.
> Does anyone have any recommendations or can point me to a simple
> content manager for such a purpose?
> I know I could write it myself, but I would rather not reinvent the
> wheel, if possible.
> Thanks.
> tedd
> --
> -------

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