David Morse wrote:
> I have two somewhat general questions about the PHP 5
> language. These points remain unclear to me after reading
> the manual and working with the language for a few months:
> i) Does the language provide a way to generate a private or
> local class that is accessible only within another function
> or a parent class.

no. classes are global. as an aside there *may* be namespaces in php
in the future.

 In python, for example, if you declare a
> class or function within a function definition, I believe it
> is accessible only within the parent function. Does PHP 5
> supply a good way to generate a little utility class without
> polluting the public namespace? Or are local variables in
> functions, class methods and class properties the only
> entities that can be hidden from public access?

no - may an assoc array would suffice your needs? many people
use static classes to contain sets of [utility] functions as a
sort of poormans namespacing ... helps to cut down pollution a little.

> ii) Suppose I would like to be able generate any of several
> classes at runtime, for which constructor interfaces are the
> same. These might, for example, be specialized subclasses of
> a common parent. Based on the idea of a variable variable,
> I am tempted to try to replace the class name by a variable,
> as in
>     $object = new $class_name_variable($param1,$param2,....)


> Is this legal PHP 5? Put another way, are variable names the
> only identifiers that can be replaced by string values of
> other variables, or is the technique more general? For instance,
> how about accessing a property or method by a name that is
> specified by a variable, as in:
>     $object_instance->$property_name_variable


> or
>     $object_instance->$method_name_variable()

please get into the habit of testing stuff like this
(get yourself a linux shell and read up on using php on the cmdline :-):

php5 -r '
class myObject {
        const MY_CNST = "a";
        public $myProp = "b";
        public function myMethod() { return "c1"; }
        public static function myStaticMethod() { return "c2"; }

$f = "MY_CNST"; $c = "myObject"; $p = "myProp"; $m = "myMethod"; $s = "CNST"; 
$MY_CNST = "f";
print_r($o = new $c());
echo join(", ", array(
        call_user_func(array($c, "myStaticMethod")))),"\n";

> The idea of a 'variable variable' name seems quite useful,

be careful with varvars ;-)
see also:


> but I'm not sure how general the concept is. Is there a
> well-defined rule for when the parser will accept a string
> value of a variable as a replacement for a literal
> identifier. If so, is the rule documented?

somewhere on php.net no doubt :-/

> Thanks in advance for any insight.
>                                 -David Morse

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