On Thu, October 26, 2006 6:36 am, Stut wrote:
> Sancar Saran wrote:
>> I just wondering this..
>> For example I had a several php pages. In this page there was an
>> array named
>> $arrHede
>> It has lots of values.
>> in index.php
>> $arrHede['antin']='yada';
>> in config.php
>> $arrHede['kuntin']='bada';
>> and so.
>> So I want to write a scrpit check all those files to get all
>> $arrHede keys.
>> And I do not want to include those files because of errors.
> Maybe it's just me, but I didn't see a question anywhere in that lot,
> just a statement of what you want to do. Seems obvious to me that you
> need to open each file, find assignments to the $arrHede array and
> pull
> out the values. Have you even tried to do that yet? We're not here to
> write scripts for you. Try it and come back if/when you have problems.

Something like:
grep -r -e "^\s\$arrHede\[[a-z0-9_]+\]\s=\s.*$" . | php

might do it for you...

I'm horrible at bash/regexp and escaping, but you get the idea.

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