.phps is taken for PHP Source, so using it for PHP Serialized would be

Perhaps phpd for PHP Data would suit you.

You could make it anything you want, as far as I know.

Actually, you could make it be .php and use ForceType in .htaccess to
do what you describe, but that's probably not a Good Idea for clarity

I take that back -- you wouldn't need the .htaccess and all that, as
you are already doing that with the 'staff' file and 'engineering' is
just part of your $_SYSTEM['PATH_INFO']

On Thu, October 26, 2006 11:30 am, Hamish Lawson wrote:
> I have a web application (not written in PHP) that can return data in
> various formats, including JSON and PHP's serialization format. At the
> moment my URL scheme looks like this:
>      staff/engineering?format=json
> but I'd like to switch to using a file extension to denote the format:
>      staff/engineering.json
> But what file extension should I use for PHP's serialization format?
> Obviously it can't be .php - aside from being inaccurate (it's not PHP
> code), using this extension would probably trigger the web server into
> trying to run a (nonexistent) PHP script.
> Thanks,
> Hamish Lawson
> --
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I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
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