On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 01:04:25 -0700, Paul Novitski wrote:

> It's so interesting that some details bug some people and others bug
> others.  In an expression such as this:
>          echo '<option value="' . $day . '"' . $selected . '>' . $day
> . '</option>';
> ...I count eight transitions (instances of switching between PHP
> syntax and output text) -- one each time you open or close a quote --
> compared to just two transitions (the opening & closing labels) for
> the comparable heredoc statement:
>          print <<< hdDay
>          <option value="$day"$sSelected>$day</option>
> hdDay;

At 10/28/2006 04:28 AM, Nisse Engström wrote:
   That's funny. I count eight transitions in both
examples. The difference in the second example is
that the transition switches have changed from
open/closing quote to '$'/not-a-variable-character.

Yes, from the point of view of the PHP parser, a transition is made each time you encounter an embedded variable requiring evaluation and each time you return to the quoted expression that doesn't require that same kind of evaluation.

What I was referring to were transitions of PHP syntactical punctuation that fragment the expression from the human point of view. I personally find the heredoc expression much easier to read, proofread, and maintain because it appears to be all one simple, unbroken expression.

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