On Tuesday 31 October 2006 19:00, Richard Lynch wrote:
Hi again,

Its my bad, sorry for interruption, I use ajax things and use E_ALL error 
level. Sometimes I use @ before variables to disable notices because it 
creates problem in ajax. 

And this time I use @ for my entire Page containers. And naturally all my 
errors was gone.

And this was very good lesson to me, do not use shortcuts, use proper vay.
Like $variable='';

Thanks for help.


> On Tue, October 31, 2006 6:24 am, Sancar Saran wrote:
> > If page has some errors it stop producing any error messages. Neither
> > page nor
> > syslog.
> >
> > I get blank page.
> If it's a fatal error, or one too serious to be trapped by an error
> handler, then your script will just stop.
> > System
> > Debian Unstable
> > Apache 2
> > Php 5.1.6
> >
> > Apc
> > Memcached
> > Obhandler with gzip
> > and I store entire page output then printed out.
> You may have installed something which does something like:
> while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_flush();
> > And I found if my error on first pages there was no problem, error
> > message
> > show in page and syslog and if that eroor is in included files. I get
> > absolutely Nothing.
> The included files could easily be re-setting your error handling, or
> an included file *BEFORE* the one you are examining could do it:
> <?php
>   require 'include_file_that_resets_error_reporting.inc';
>   require 'include_file_that_generates_error_you_are_worried_about.inc';
> ?>
> PEAR error handling did this to me years ago, so I wasted more time
> figuring out what was going on than it would have taken me to solve
> the original problem I wanted PEAR for, and that's one of the reasons
> I never use PEAR much. [shrug]
> Back then, the PEAR error handler was tightly-woven into the whole
> thing.  Or maybe I'm thinking of phpLib on that one...

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