Sounds like you don't copy tmp files to other place.
Most tmp files are deleted after program execution, PHP deletes tmp files as

Refer to PHP manual for details.

Yasuo Ohgaki

""Hilbert Mostert"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hello all,

I have some serious problems with file uploads,
when i upload a file to the server it creates the $userfile, $userfile_type,
$userfile_name and $userfile_size
variables, but it doesn't create the actual file in the /tmp dir (the upload
I have used redhat 7.0 with apache 1.3.14 and php-4.0.4pl1, I have also
tried redhat 7.1 with apache 1.3.19 and php 4.0.5 but the problem still exists.

Can anyone help?

Thanks ,
Hilbert Mostert.

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