On 11/9/06, M.Sokolewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Giragosian wrote:
> On 11/8/06, Travis Doherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> David Giragosian wrote:
>> > Does Daylight Savings alter Zulu time? (I'm guessing "yes"). How did
>> the
>> > military deal with that?
>> >
>> > I use a date-time field as a primary key in db tables that get an
>> > insert a
>> > minute. I had to jump through a number of hoops to turn off DST on
>> > (RH
>> > Linux) server.
>> >
>> > David
>> >
>> UTC (or GMT, or Zulu, or Z) does not observe Daylight Savings Time.  In
>> any database that you store timestamps and need to know exactly what
>> that timestamp means you should use UTC, then use application logic to
>> translate to the users time zone.
>> Another option would be to store epoch time (seconds since the OS's
>> epoch) and work the same result from that, I prefer storing
>> human-readable timestamps even if you have to do the datemath in your
>> head to read them in your own timezone.  Epoch does not count
>> leap-seconds like UTC so it can be off by a tiny bit at any given time.
>> Epoch time also differs on different operating systems - Unix is
>> 1970-01-01 at 00:00:00 UTC, Windows seems to use 1601-01-01 at 00:00:00
>> UTC... I don't know if that would ever matter though - I imagine the
>> database server would mask this and the application would port to
>> windows without problems (no idea.)
>> UTC has no DST from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone
>> >>
>> Due to daylight saving time, UTC is local time at the Royal
>> Greenwich <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Observatory%2C_Greenwich>
>> only between 01:00 UTC on the last Sunday in October and 01:00 UTC on
>> the last Sunday in March. For the rest of the year, local time there is
>> UTC+1 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%2B1>, known in the United
>> Kingdom <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom> as British Summer
>> Time <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Summer_Time> (BST). Similar
>> circumstances apply in many places.
>> <<
>> **
>> Travis Doherty
>> TixTime
> We are using now() in the MySQL db to insert current time. Database
> is 4.0.24.
> I see that in 4.1.* there is utc_timestamp().
> Anybody know if this function avoids DST? Might be worth the hassle of
> upgrade and possible code changes in the PHP scripts to obtain this
> feature.
> << Shudder >>
> Thanks,
> David

you don't quite understand what UTC is, do you :)
UTC doesn't have DST. It just doesn't, at all.
If it returns a timestamp in UTC offset, it will "avoid" DST for you...

- tul

We use now() to do timestamp inserts in the MySQL db. "now()" in MySQL is
based upon the OS time, which is obviously affected by timezone setting as
an offset from UTC. When I've set the RH server to use UTC, the OS time was
still affected by the "rule" which altered UTC to the timezone setting (I'm
in the process of moving my office or else I'd be able to find the document
describing how to alter the RH OS to not obey DST changes). My question is
based upon this experience.

If "select utc_timestamp() in MySQL truly returns the UTC with timezone
offset and without any adjustments for DST, that would be just peachy.



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