Arpad Ray wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>> function inputPostQueryUnBorker($s)
>> {
>>         return preg_replace('#(\?|&(?:amp;)?)([^=]*)=#eU',
>>                             "'\\1'.str_replace(array('%5B','%5D'),
>> array('[',']'), '\\2').'='",
>>                             $s);
>> }
>> so how bad is it
> This is a bit more concise. I doubt there'd be a noticable difference in
> speed though:
> return preg_replace('#%5[bd](?=[^&]*=)#ei', 'urldecode("\0")', $s);

nice! - although I had to test your regexp, I can't figure out
exactly what it's doing but it seems to work exactly like mine...

could you explain your regexp - I'd like to replace my version with
your (if for no other reason than that shorter code is easier to read than
longer code!) BUT until I really understand your regexp I'd feel 100% 
making the replacement.

kinds regards,

ps - sometimes reading regexps is a lot harder than writing them!

> Arpad

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