Hi there!

I´m building a form validator using PHP and JS. It´s working fine by now, but I want to make a little improvement. Here is how its working now:

  1. The user fill the form. Every time he leaves the field, the JS
     code match the value against a regexp to validate.
  2. When the user submits the form, the PHP script match all the
     values against the same regexp's.

Now, i want to validate my fields to prevent XSS, allowing my html tags but only the attributes that I want.
I thought something like: (the tags and the valid attributes).
$form_html_validation = array(
"em"=>array("") );
$valid_elements = "<".join("><",array_keys($form_html_validation)).">";
$userInput = strip_tags($userInput,$valid_elements);
//perform DOM Attribute Validation
But I don´t know how to loop over every attribute for each tag in the DomTree.

Someone has any ideas?

Thank You

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