
I would like to have a scrolling text (as banner) on our website.
I tried Marquee which work very well but since i use a table and allocate
100% to marquee, if the content of a row (<tr> content) is greater than 100%
or the <table> width, internet explorer automatically write the message on
several lines (not several <tr>).

e.g :

sentence to display : "this is a very long sentence about the way how works
internet explorer with marquee"

way how is it displays under IE :
"this is a very long sentence about the way
how works internet explorer with marquee"

under opera and firefow, it's well displayed as "this is a very long
sentence about the way how works internet explorer with marquee"

so, i would like to know if there is another way how to do a scrolling text
without using flash, shockwave or other tool...only in php or HTML (in worse

thanks a lot,
Windows XP SP2
PostgreSQL 8.1.4
Apache 2.0.58

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