James Tu wrote:
> Please see below


you fell foul of the 'there is no php.ini' trap :-)
(please repeat in a homer simpson voice)

> or should I create a symbolic link to the php.ini that Apache is using?

use a seperate php.ini - more flexibility

>> That'll tell you where the php.ini file is for the CLI version.
>> Enjoy.
>> James Tu wrote:
>>> ok.  so the location of mysql.sock is a problem.
>>> I found it at /tmp/mysql.sock
>>> Why is the CLI looking for it at /var/myslq/mysql.sock?
>>> Now the question is...
>>> Do I change the mysql settings so that mysql.sock is at
>>> /tmp/mysql.sock?  (If I do, will the PHP module with Apache still be
>>> ok?)
>>> or
>>> Do I change where the CLI is looking for mysql.sock?

pointing the CLI at the actual .sock seems least invasive, no?


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