bruce wrote:
hi chris...

for the initial post, it does/did matter for register_globals to be on/off.

in your reply, you use a $_GET[..] for the $path var. in the initial post
that i saw, (which i replied to), the $path var was simply used, without the
$_GET[..]. it's my understanding (recollection) that if the register_globals
is on, then php will automatically generate and fill vars based on the query
var. whereas, if the register_globals is off, the app has to specifically
'assign' the var via the $GET/$POST...

feel free to correct if something was/is missed. other than that, what you
have stated is completely correct as i understand php to work.

Fair enough. My point was it's not *just* a register-globals problem, rather it can also be a simple "trusting" issue (ie you're trusting the user data rather than checking it).

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