Tom Chubb wrote:
> Confused!
> I'm now getting:
> file_get_contents(
> [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Connection
> refused in
> /home/sites/
> on line 75
> How come you can access it and I can't?!?

no php script can withstand me. ;-) seriously I don't know

> Permissions are 755.
> Obviously I was getting it when using file_get_contents('player.php')
> but when using the URL I get connection refused.
> (Don't think that it makes any difference, but allow_url_fopen is on)

it makes a difference, and it sounds likes it's off - another possibility
is that safe_mode is on (and that safe_mode blocks allow_url_fopen), but I don't
know about that - you'll have to test it.

you can double check that you can reach your site from the box itself by doing a
very simple 'wget' check from the commandline (assuming you have ssh access):


if that downloads a page then the problem is very like to be php.



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