On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 17:29 +0100, Jochem Maas wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 02:54 -0700, Michael wrote:
> >> This will be my last post on this thread of discussion.
> >>
> >> Thanks to all who replied, I have it figured out.
> >>
> >> I guess my only problem with the way the !== and === operators work in 
> >> this situation is this:
> >>
> >> Logic dictates that if something evaluates to NOT FALSE it must be TRUE.
> >> Regardless of the type, regardless of the species, breed, flavor etc.
> > 
> > Sure logic dictates that if a return type is confined to the boolean set
> > then if it is not false it must be true; however, strpos() may return a
> > value from the set of booleans or a value from the set of integers. As
> liar liar pants on fire. just to confuse matters (the OP deserves it given 
> the length of the thread):
> strpos() may return a boolean false or a value from the set of integers - it 
> will never
> ever return true (unless you hack the php source)

Where's my baseball bat... ;) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, if you re-read
the above I wrote "strpos() may return a value from the set of booleans
or a value from the set of integers" I didn't say WHICH value it would
return from the set of booleans *PTTHTHTHTHTTHTT* *nyah nyah* :D

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