Hello Gurus,

I have an issue, that I am trying to figure out if it is an Apache config
issue or a PHP issue.

I have written a script to upload file to a directory on my RH7.0 Linux
Apache server. directory has been chmod 777.

I have a problem with my php uploads. the content-type is added at the
beginning of uploaded file. this makes file useless on server.  here is my
code for my upload page.



if ($upload) {

$filename = basename($userfile_name);

 if(!copy($userfile, "$archive_dir/$filename")) die ("$filename not
copied! - Error!");

 echo "File $filename Uploaded";
<table border="0" width="751">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF

   Upload file!
   <input type="file" name="userfile">
   <input type="SUBMIT" name="upload" VALUE="upload">

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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