On Mon, December 4, 2006 8:11 am, Janet Smith wrote:
> We have an application using PHP. If users have forgotten their
> password, they click on the link 'Forgot Password' and enter this
> e-mail
> address. This is suppose to send their new password to the e-mail
> address provided.


So if I give you my email address and ask for the password to somebody
else's account, I can get their password?

I'm thinking you mean only if it's an email already tied to the
account, right?...

You may want to consider giving another way to find an account, as I
can never remember which custom email I gave to people who want my

> We can not get the e-mail to be sent. I have changed
> the php.ini file to include the SMTP, the sendmail_from and the
> sendmail_path. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else I need
> to look at?

Windows or Un*x?

If it's Un*x, log in and su to the PHP user, and see if that user can
actually send out an email from the command line.  If not, PHP scripts
won't do any better at it.

If it's Un*x, turn off the SMTP php.ini setting, as you don't need
that, almost-for-sure.

If it's Windows, the other way around -- leave the sendmail_path blank
and fix up the SMTP.

And, on Windows, see if you can connect to SMTP as the PHP User.  See
http://php.net/phpinfo to find out what user PHP is running as.

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Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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