Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 23:40 +0100, Jochem Maas wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I applogize if this isn't really related to php-programming, but it's 
>>> related to
>>> php.
>>> I'm wondering if anyone knows what program sites like google video or 
>>> use? is it a software like php-nuke, or phpBB or drupal? They all look 
>>> pretty
>>> much the same, so I'm guessing it's a package they use. Anyone know what it 
>>> is?
>>> or are they all really writing everything from scratch?
>> google video - running on php-nuke - no I don't think so.
>> they write from scratch, with the odd billion dollars lying around they can 
>> afford
>> to :-) (also note that youtube was bought by google for something like 1.3 
>> billion dollars -
>> I doubt they were stupid enough to shell out that kind of cash to on a 
>> php-nuke install,
> Why not? It's not the code they want, it's the traffic. You can have the
> best code in the world and if 0 people visit it, it's pretty worthless
> to anyone but you.

you are right - I was implicitly thinking along the lines that there is no
way in hell a php-nuke install could stand up to amount of requests/processing
youtube must cope with.

there is a good reason that properties like Yahoo (which uses php of course) 
stick all
the heavy lifting code in php extensions written in C.

then there is the issue of differentiation - would *you* settle for some 
generic POS
piece of software if you had billions of dollar to invest in build a custom, 
killer app?

okay, sure, everything in software land is eventually comoditized and available 
open source eventually, but right now there are no google-video type 
applications out
there that can handle the amount of traffic the mentioned sites handle.

there is also the premise that youtube wouldn't be youtube if it were running 
on php-nuke,
for the simple fact it would have been hacked to death. no?

oh well time for some work ;-)

> Cheers,
> Rob.

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