On Dec 20, 2006, at 3:14 PM, Niels wrote:


On Wednesday 20 December 2006 19:47, Ray Hauge wrote:

I think all this talk goes to show you that the differences between PHP4
and PHP5 are somewhat personal at this point in the game.  Some people
like the better OOP features of PHP5, some people think PHP5 is faster,
some people like the XML/WebServices in PHP5 better, and many others
(don't forget PDO, or exceptions).
Yep, that sums it up nicely.

For the OP, I think it's really going to come down to what you think.
Everyone's mileage is varying on this one.

Here's my .02. If you go with PHP5, go with at least PHP 5.1.x, if not 5.2. I'm not sure how stable 5.2 is lately. I had heard of some issues,
but they could have been from things most people don't do.  I'm pretty
sure that people don't install 5.0.x anymore, but 5.1 is a lot better
(from what I've heard anyway.  I never used 5.0.x)

I think I'll move to 5.2 within a couple of months and slowly start using
some of the new features.


Hey, I'd like to be able to run at least two versions of php on one server and switch between them
because if you've written a pile of php 4x code and need to switch to 5x, ( hosting service switches the boss you work for decides to switch , or what ever,) you have to go through all your 4x code and rewrite it to be compatible with 5x. So, the benefit of switching becomes an important consideration. While your converting 4x code to 5x compatibility you need two servers running, one with 4x interpreter and one with 5x interpreter. It really would have been nice if Apache and Zend got together so both version could be run by the same server based on something in httpd.conf and/or php.ini. What i have done, not to berate 5x is to write code that is compatible with both version. I have servers running both
4.3x and 5.1.2 and  they run the same code just fine.
This might give you some more perspective.

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