On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 11:42 +0200, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I receive a text file with a whole bunch of strings. and each line is 
> terminated by what I presume is \n\r however when I read the string into 
> PHP, it seems that the last column of the row and the first column of 
> the next row are connected but it appears as a space but I've done all 
> kinds of tests like $spacePos = strrpos($dateAmount, ' '); but this is 
> always empty.
> So is there a way to test for \r\n? or what else can I use to delimit 
> these two values (last column of row and first column of next row)?
> Thanks in advance.

strpos( $dateAmount, "\n" )


strpos( $dateAmount, "\r" )

Double quotes are required for expansion of special characters.

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