# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-01-04 05:25:58 -0500:
> On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 10:54 +0000, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> >
> > echo $blah . "\n" is *not* equivalent to printf("%s\n", $blah)
> Hmmmm, could you explain to me how it is different? I would always use
> the former unless I specifically needed formatting provided by printf(),
> and since there no formatting in the above printf() the echo to the best
> of my knowledge is indeed equivalent.

That was a early-morning brainfart from me: I was thinking about
the real code, which uses

    return sprintf('%s', $any);

It could be

    return (string) $any;

but I prefer the sprintf() for the same reason I prefer C++-style casts
in C++ over C-style casts.

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