Stut wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
>> On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 14:16 +0000, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
>>>> I'm not gonna get a chance to do anything with it today. I'll have a
>>>> look tomorrow.
>>> Do share your numbers. My wife does statistics for a living, let's
>>> see what she'll have to say.
>> I'm not sure why you guys even bother to run a benchmark on a single
>> function / semantic via the web when it's not web dependent. There's
>> much less noise running via shell. Not to mention as a shell script it's
>> much easier to use the system time command and millions of iterations to
>> get a better idea of the exact time.
> I was bored when I wrote it. Dunno what the other guys reasons are.

the devil, idle hands, all that jazz ;-:

> -Stut

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