On Wed, January 3, 2007 4:28 pm, Jochem Maas wrote:
> I guess this is not the time to bring up the discussion on including
> the
> fileinfo PECL extension into the core as standard thats being waged on
> the internals
> mailing list (or that mime magic seems to have been magically
> relegated to the dustbin)?

I almost included that, but figured Philip would be able to hack
something up, whether PHP's built-in mime magic is there or not, and
whether it gets relegated to PECL and "disappears" or not, and so on.

The biggest effect of it moving to PECL, imho, is on those who have to
distribute file-upload receiving scripts to servers they do not

You can always hack something on your own server, or even re-write
mime- magic in PHP (ugh) if you really have to...

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