Jochem Maas wrote:
Scott Bounds wrote:

Hello all. I seem to be having a terrible tim ewith something that is so
simple it makes me sick.  I have a server running FC2.  it has Apache
2.x.x on it and it came installed with php-4.x.x.  Sorry I don't have
the exact versions but fatigue and frustration has taken over.  I can
get them if you really need them.  Here's the major problem.  When I try
and view a simple php page in the browser, it doesn't display anything
that has to do with the php tags.  By that I mean it won't recognize the
php directives (I guess).

does that mean your seeing the text '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' (or similar)
in your browser? if so then your apache setup is broken with regard to
php - the php apache module is not being loaded or the mapping to
.php files is borked (or non-existent).

 I made a simple page (the infamous phpinfo

()  page) right out of the books.  Saved it as test.php just like it
said.  Made sure that apache is running and browsed to the page.
Nothing, no errors, no nothing.  I have made up some other pages (mostly
from some php books - real simple ones) to view and they all display the
same action.

Now when these machines (I actually have a couple of these servers and
they all act the same) were installed, it was from FC2 CD's with the
webserver full package.  There were all kinds of php files installed,
etc.  In my httpd.conf file it calls the php.ini file, etc.  So it seems
to be all there.

start by tailing the apache access_log and the apache error_log,
a cmdline something like this:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access_log /var/log/apache2/error_log

and see what kind of errors appear when you surf to the problem pages.
also check for apache start up errors that a related to php.

Can anyone out there help me figure out how to make this work?  I would
be truly indebted to you, put you on my Christmas card list, etc.

please don't waste trees.

Thanks in advance to all of you kind and wonderful people.


Well, actually I don't see anything. Nothing at all (in the case of the phpinfo() page. All the page has in it is just <?php phpinfo() ?>. It was saved as test.php. How can I tell if something is broken and where do I look for the files? I haven't done any dorking around with the links, etc. Just done the complete install, etc. Then wanted to play around with things to to get the feel of everything. And I get nothing.



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