a moth ago we (company I work for) moved to new hosting company. we have
dedicated sles10/php5/mysq5/apache2 based server.
before, sending confirmation emails to clients using mail() functin was
working fine. now, many of emails we send don't reach to receiver. first,
I'm asssuming, server is not configured corerctly.
Though, in header of the email I go on my yahoo account said:
Received: by slesvernon.site (Postfix, from userid 2)

according php documentation (php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php) php use by
default sendmail. but if other program is selected it has to be specified.
do I have to specify it in php code or in php.ini (nothin is specified
about Postfix right now in my php.ini)?

Also, can't find (but almost sure I saw it before) the line for send back
if error, like we have for:
From: name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is it possible the get error back on specific email if email is not (for
some reasons) delivered?

Thanks for any help.


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