
i'm trying to read in a text file line by line into an array.  i've got
the following code:
$i = 0;
 while(!feof ($fp)){
  $buffer = trim(fgets($fp, 4096));
  $photos[i] = $buffer;

when i echo $buffer to the screen it prints out hte content of hte file
line by line
if i echo $photos[i] to the screen it just prints out random numbers and
not the content i'd expect

(the code i'm using to do this is:

$i = 0;
 while(!feof ($fp)){
  $buffer = trim(fgets($fp, 4096));
  echo $buffer."<br>";
  $photos[i] = $buffer;
  echo $photos[i]."<br>";

any help would be greatly appreciated


todd kennedy

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