the owner of the files i believe will be hte user running the webserver since the 
webdserver itself
is making the files.

apache by defauly runs as nobody:nobody

if you want to change this i think php has a chown funciton or you can run your 
webserver as a
different user name/group

Ryan Hilton wrote:

> I'm creating directories and files inside of a php program and they are
> owned by nobody.
> How can I assign an owner to them and who should the owner be?
> Where is  documentation for these types of questions?
> Here is the code snipet:
> create a directory - I would also like to create it with 775 privledges, but
> I can't create a file in the directory unless it is 777:
>         if(!file_exists(DIRECTORY))
>         {
>                 // create the directory
>                 $oldumask = umask(0);
>                 mkdir(DIRECTORY, 0777); // or even 775 is more secure
>                 umask($oldumask);
>                 if(!is_dir(DIRECTORY))
>                 {
>                         $return_status[0] = false;
>                         $return_status[1] =  "there was an error creating the 
>                         return $return_status;
>                 }
>         }
> create a file:
>                 $fd = fopen($file,"w+");
>                 if(!$fd)
>                 {
>                         $return_status[0] = false;
>                         $return_status[1] =  "3) A system configuration error has 
>been detected.
> Your request cannot be processed.";
>                         return $return_status;
>                 }
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Ryan
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