At 10:40 AM -0500 1/17/07, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
MD5 is a hasing algorithm.. one-way.. really only good for checking known values and keeping them 'private', like storing passwords in a database. That way, if someone breaks into your database, they don't get the passwords, only the non-reversible MD5 hashes of the passwords.

To check a user's login credentials, you take the database value for password and you compare it to md5($password) that the user entered and see if they match.

That's also the way hackers break it, namely take the hash and use a reverse dictionary to look-up the password. While the MD5 hash is non-reversible, it produces a unique string.

If people use simple passwords, then the hash is pretty simple to break. As people become more aware of how simple it is to break their passwords, their passwords will become more complex. However, reverse dictionaries will also become larger as processing speeds increase -- and the cycle continues.

So, the amount of security that MD5 provides is really dependant upon the user.



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