Kevin Murphy wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:05 PM
>>> To: Don;
>>> Subject: RE: [PHP] dynamic lists
>>> [snip]
>>> By dynamic drop list I mean the type where the options
>>> contained in the subsequent list depend on what was picked in
>>> the previous list without clicking submit.
>>> [/snip]
>>> PHP is server side, you need to do this with AJAX or Javascript
>>> -- 
>>> PHP General Mailing List ( To
>>> unsubscribe, visit:
>> Don,
>> There's a few different ways to do this.
>> #1) Submit the form (to itself) when a user chooses an option from the
>> first
>> list (using onChange=form.submit()) then with PHP query the database
>> for the
>> second set of options.
>> #2) Use JavaScript to store all the values and pop them in when the user
>> chooses an option from the first list (using onChange=someFunction(...)).
>> I like #2.  If you need a starting point, google for "javascript dynamic
>> select list"
>> Hope that helps,
>> Brad
> FYI... Neither #1 or #2 are considered good practice for
> Accessibility/ADA compliance. If you are using a keyboard or screen
> reader to view your website, it will always pick the first one in the
> list and you won't have the option of even seeing the rest of the list.
> Basically, anything that uses onchange or onselect will cause
> accessibility issues. The only way to accomplish this is using onclick
> or submitting the form.

that stance basically negates everything 'ajax', flash, video and everything
considered to be remotely 'web2.0' - is the 'low-common-denominator' case
always the correct choice?

I understand the importance of accessibility but the practicality of most
peoples' job in this sector means satisfying the requirements of a client
that demands such dynamic functionality such as the auto-selection example
given here.

is there not an argument that screen-reader and [braille] keyboard software
are somwhat responsible for being capable of 'keeping up' - given that an
onclick can be handled why not an 'onchange' (in theory)?

> --Kevin Murphy
> Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
> Western Nevada Community College
> 775-445-3326

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