First stripslashes() and all newlines [\n\r*]. It makes the regex much easier.

$pattern= "%<img\x20[\w\d\"=\x20]+(src=\x20*\")([/\w\d\.]+)[\"\x20]*/>%i;

preg_match($pattern, $string, $match); If more than one in the string, use preg_match_all().

Now print_r($match); so you can see the result.

Now, read the doc and see why each term is used. Note, I assumed your string can have some variation and still be W3C compatible e.g., src="....." and
src= "....", etc. You may need to be able to handle additional variations.


William Stokes wrote:

Can someone here give me a glue how to do the following. I guess I need to use regular expressions here. I have absolutely zero experience with regular expressions. (if there's another way to do this I don't mind. I jus need to get this done somehow :)

I need to strip all characters from the following text string exept the image path...

"<img width=\"99\" height=\"120\" border=\"0\" src=\"../../images/new/thumps/4123141112007590373240.jpg\" />"...and then store the path to DB. Image path lengh can vary so I guess that I need to extract all characters after scr=\" until next \" or somethig similar.

Thanks for your advise!

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