Roman Neuhauser wrote:
Bzzzt, I'm an idiot.  It doesn't, of course.  You're still missing [L]
and that's what I was trying to point you at until the cat ran over my

Alright. So if the rewrite rules were (and they are):

RewriteRule ^section/account(/)?$ index.php?cmd=section/account
RewriteRule ^section/addfriend(/)?(.*)$ index.php?cmd=section/addfiend&username=$2 RewriteRule ^section/approvefriend(/)?(.*)$ index.php?cmd=section/approvefriend&username=$ RewriteRule ^section/deletefriend(/)?(.*)$ index.php?cmd=section/deletefriend&username=$2
RewriteRule ^section(/)?$ index.php?cmd=section/index

RewriteRule ^anothersection(/)?(.*)$ index.php?cmd=listingnav&url=anothersection/$2

Where would the correct place be?


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