OK, Jochem, I adapted your example and got it working. Thank you very much.

I am still playing with it to better understand. One thing I don't yet understand is the necessity for the getFoo()/getBar() "handshake," especially the getbar() in the BAR class. That doesn't seem to serve any purpose. My adaptation us just a getDummy().

Do they just serve to pass the object by reference?


On Jan 26, 2007, at 5:47 PM, Jochem Maas wrote:

class Foo
        private $var;
        function __construct() { $this->var = "foo"; }
        function getFoo() { return $this->var; }

class Bar
        private $var;
        private $foo;
        function __construct() { $this->var = "bar"; $this->foo = new Foo; }
        function getBar() { return $this->var; }
function speak() { echo "I am ",$this->foo->getFoo(),$this->getBar (),"\n"; }

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