At 08.05.01  10:03, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I have a slight problem.  I am storing an email template in a MySQL DB.
>Portions of the email have text that need to be replaced with variable
>values when run through the script
>Sehr geehrte(r) Frau/Herr {%Last_Name%} ,
>Dies ist eine automatische Zusendung von ACNS Billing and Support Software.
>Ihre Zahlung von  DM {%Prev_Total%} fuer ihr ACNS Domain und/oder ihr
>Internet Flatrate
As you can see. I am using the {% and %} to delimit the parts that need to
>be replaced.  I can't get the replacements to work right though.  Can
>someone help?
why donīt you store something like:
Sehr geehrte(r) Frau/Herr $Last_Name ,
an then use the eval() function, to fill your vars? Otherwise you have to 
str_replace() this {%Last_Name%},
think that would be more work.
HTH Oliver

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