On Mon, January 29, 2007 10:17 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-01-29 11:09:13 -0500:
>> We've been using Postgres for our messaging queues up to now, but
>> our
>> message volume seems a bit higher than what we'd expect Postgres to
>> keep
>> up with... many inserts/deletes from in/out queues seems to dirty a
>> lot
>> of memory and effect general database performance (we use the
>> database
>> significantly for other operations).
> ...
>> So, I'm leaning toward local sockets.  I'm implementing this right
>> now,
>> so I can test the performance against the Postgres implementation.
>> I
>> will also implement and test other solutions if anyone can persuade
>> me... ie. if you feel the msg_get_queue() stuff is worth the
>> compile/installation effort.
> You'll be comparing a mammoth to a moth swarm.
> Do you actually need the persistence PostgreSQL gives you, or don't
> you
> mind if the other side is down?  If you need to be sure that the
> receiver
> will process your message even if it's not up when you send the
> message,
> you'll end up reinventing a database.

Seems to me that they'll re-invent the TCP "ACK" rather than a
full-fledged RDBMS...


> What version of PostgreSQL are you using?
> What's your vacuuming strategy?

Another idea worth exploring would be something more lightweight like
LDAP or MCache (MCacheD? MemCache? -- you'll know which one I mean
when you find it) to share data or even try MySQL just to see if you
can tune it easier/faster/better.  I'm sure an expert PostgreSQL user
can "win" this game, but you have to use the personell you have.

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