You may want to look at what various databases will do for you with
date arithmetic.

E.g., You can type this in MySQL:

select date_add('2007-01-31', interval 1 month);

I'm not sure what it will answer, but you can type that. :-)

In Postgresql, it's more like:
select '1/31/2007'::date + '1 month'::interval;

but the point is that somebody else has already solved this most
likely, and you should definitely not try to re-invent the wheel on
this one.

On Fri, February 2, 2007 4:24 pm, frank wrote:
> hmmm, a month period has 4*7 days e.g. then i can schedule on 31.3.07
> a
> month  period which will repeat itself on 30.4.07 and again on 30.5.07
> even
> though may has 31 days. i dont see no other logic if you take a week
> period
> it same a week has always 7 days. how else would it make sense. the
> start
> date += the period
> fra*
> ""bruce"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> hi...
>> i'm creating a quick/dirty app for scheduling a function, based on
>> the
> user
>> entering a start time/date, as well as a potential periodic
>> timeframe.
>> ie:
>>  the user enters-
>>   start time/date: 10:00am 01/10/07
>> periodic monthly
>> the idea is to be able to have a process start running on the start
>> time/date, and then to repeat on a monthly basis on the same
>> time/date. i
>> can easily accomplish this for dates that are '1-28', but i'm
>> looking for
>> suggestions as to how to handle situations where the number of the
>> start
>> date, might be greater than the end date of the 'current" month.
>> in searching google, i haven't come up with many apps that handle
>> this...
>> thoughts/comments/etc...
>> thanks.
>> -bruce
> --
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