Eric Gorr skrev:
I haven't tracked this particular issue, but I know when PHP5 was first released is wasn't recommended in a commercial/production environment. However, a lot of time has passed and we're at v5.2 now...have things changed? Have Google&Yahoo, for example, moved to PHP5? Or is PHP4 still the recommendation for such environments?

My two cents: Any modern PHP-app should use prepared statements for efficiency and security. PEAR-DB and some other PHP 4 workable abstraction layers can emulate this, but it's only in PHP 5 you get the real thing, with mysqli or PDO, or a PHP class that's built on top of such an interface.

To me, that's the must have feature of PHP 5 I can't be without. Nor do I think one could call him-/herself professional still doing old school mysql-interface calls to the DBMS.

Lars Gunther

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