
on 02/06/2007 12:43 AM Richard Lynch said the following:
>> Often writing books is also not worth the effort. Many authors that
>> try
>> it, only write one book and then give up because the books do not sell
>> enough and they realize they can make more doing something else like
>> consulting.
> If writing the book isn't going to get you paying gigs because you're
> the "expert" having written the book, then you're almost for sure
> going to be getting paid less than minimum wage if you account the
> hours correctly, as I understand it.

Right. Most author write books because they love what they write about.

I know very few people that wrote more than one PHP book. Dedicating
time writing books is a big sacrifice. It is not the most efficient way
to make a living.

Anyway, keep in mind that a US minimum wage is a reasonable amount of
money for people in other countries. Writing books is not such a bad
money if they get published by an US or European publisher.  The whole
PHP community that buy their books should be thankful because some
writers work very hard to make a living.

Some authors of books that I reviewed in the PHPClasses site have
written me asking if I could review their new books. If that encourages
them to keep writing good books, I am pleased to help them.
Unfortunately I do not have the time to review all books that I am asked
to review. That is why I am encouraging other people with more time than
me to work on it.

> I can state for certain that being a Tech Reviewer is even worse pay
> and little odds of it making you any money, really.  Though it is a
> nifty bullet point and gives you something to talk about in a job
> interview, where it can maybe pay off.

Right. Anyway, I am not talking about being Tech Reviewer of books that
were not yet published. I am talking about published books, so there is
not even a money compensation for people that publish reviews in the
PHPClasses site. The only compensation is that reviewers will keep the
review copies for themselves.


Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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