Paul's probably right..  putting the sorting values in a table would be eaiser 
to maintain.  I don't know what I was thinking with the whole "then you don't 
HAVE to create a table".  Both ways work..  but especially if you think the 
positions may change, then it'll be tons easier to update if they're in a table.


= = = Original message = = =

>= = = Original message = = =
>I need to sort the results of a DB query based on the hierarchy of positions
>within an organization. Since they are not necessarily alphabetical, the
>best I can come up with is to assign a numerical value in a separate table
>to each position, and reference that to sort it.

At 2/7/2007 01:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Well, kind of ugly but you can do something like this:
>SELECT Position, CASE Position WHEN 'CEO' THEN 1 WHEN 'COO' THEN 2 
>FROM SomeTable
>ORDER BY PositionSort
>That way you're not creating a whole new table to store the sorting values.

If I might offer alternative advice, I *would* create a separate 
table of positions & sort sequence values, so that all the data can 
be edited in one mode (e.g., phpMyAdmin).  If some of your data is in 
MySQL and some of it's embedded in a query in a PHP script, it will 
be a little bit more of a hassle to maintain and a little more 
cryptic for the next developer who has to figure out what you've done 
after you abruptly run off to Tahiti.

SELECT Positions.Sort, Employees.Position, Employees.LastName, etc
FROM Employees, Positions
WHERE Employees.Position = Positions.Position
ORDER BY Positions.Sort, Employees.LastName

(Assuming more than one employee per position, I figure you'd want a 
secondary sort criterion.)



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd. 

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