Alright... here's my situation for those that didn't read my string of
messages yesterday.. (plus a bit more background information as to why
I'm doing this)
I'm writing an engine for a content managing system.  Part of the system
is a menu builder.  I use 2 tables, (this is a mysql database) menu and
menu_parts.  They look like this
Table menu
ID   : Integer; (auto increments, key)
Name : Varchar[128];
Type : Integer; (unused now)
Table menu_parts
ID     : Integer;
Menu   : Integer; (which menu this belongs to)
Order  : Tinyint; (all menu items have incremental numbers)
Type   : Tinyint;
Data   : Text;
My code looks like this
$query="SELECT type,data FROM menu_parts WHERE menu='1' ORDER BY
{           do {
                                    echo $myrow["data"];
} while($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result));
So depending on the menu_parts type, it will display the data field

If the type=0, it simple outputs the data field plain text.
If the type=1, it adds echo to both sides and outputs data.
If the type=2, it evaluates the code as is.
The problem I'm having, is with type 1.  The main reason for this type
is say I want to send the user to a php script and pass parameters (I'm
going to use []'s so those of you with html email readers don't parse
[a href="myscript.php?username={$userdata["username"]}"]Goto
So when the line hits type 1, it evals like this
echo "[a href="myscript.php?username={$userdata["username"]}"]Goto
Of course this yields an error because of the "'s in the anchor tag.
But if I add slashes the evaluated code will be
echo "[a href=\"myscript.php?username={$userdata[\"username\"]}\"]Goto
Which will cause the $userdata["username"] variable to not process
properly.  I thought about making type one do echo ''; instead of echo
""; but then if the user has a ' in their menu it won't function
I wish I could do this with regular expressions, but I'm not fluent with
them (and also doubt I could succeed in my task if I did).  
I think I described my problem as thorough as I could have. Any help,
comments, etc would be greatly appreciated.

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