Actually there are 3 directives to change:

ini_set("post_max_size","52M");  // alyway bigger than upload_max_filesize
ini_set("memory_limit","64M"); // anyway bigger than post_max_size

    Presuming you got over 120 seconds time limitation and this still
doesn't change a thing and you still cannot upload the file it might be
because PHP script is not parsed BEFORE receiving the post data (the
uploaded file) thus using the php.ini file values of
upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and memory_limit.


Sergiu Voicu wrote:
> Upload limits can be imposed in 2 ways (maybe more, but I know only 2)
> when it is about Apache+PHP:
> 1. From apache with LimitRequestBody Directive
> 2. From php.ini with upload_max_filesize directive
> If you are in the first case (which I doubt), and the provider allows
> the use of .htaccess files, create a .htaccess file in the document
> root and put this line into it:
> LimitRequestBody 42991616
> In the second case, and if PHP isn't in safe mode, at the beggining of
> your script place this line
> ini_set("upload_max_filesize","41M");
> Cheers
> Sergiu
> Robert Cummings wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 16:51 +0200, Andrei wrote:
>>>     LOL. You got lost in details...
>>>     To answer the question... You cannot upload files bigger than 10Mb
>>> unless your provider changes the values from php.ini (regarding upload
>>> file size, form max size and memory max size) and you cannot upload
>>> even
>>> less than 10Mb files if the time needed to upload it takes longer than
>>> 120 seconds.
>> Which comes back to the original advice (Jay's I think)... get a new
>> provider :B
>> Cheers,
>> Rob.

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