Different strokes for different folks...

Might I toss a new recommendation into the mix?


= = = Original message = = =

N~~meth Zolt~~n wrote:
> 2007. 02. 20, kedd keltez~~ssel 08.17-kor Jim Lucas ezt ~~rta:
>> Mike Shanley wrote:
>>> I'd like to think I understood code a little better than this, but I've 
>>> got a problem with my WHERE...
>>> I know it's the WHERE because I get a good result when I leave it out. 
>>> And the random function is also working... I honestly can't figure it 
>>> out. Thanks in advance for help with this laughable prob.
>>> ---------------------------
>>> // How many are there?
>>> $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM fortunes");
>>> $max = mysql_result($result, 0);
>>> // Get randomized!... the moderated way...
>>> $randi = mt_rand(1, $max-1);
>>> $q = "SELECT text FROM fortunes WHERE index = '$randi'";
>>> $choose = mysql_query($q);
>>> $chosen1 = mysql_fetch_array($choose);
>> ARRAY???
> what's wrong with that?
> http://hu.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-fetch-array.php
> and then you can of course refer to it with indexes, both numeric and
> associative
> I don't see anything problematic with that...
> greets
> Zolt~~n N~~meth
>>> // Ready to ship...
>> Referring to it via an index...  could be the problem
>>> $fortune = '<span class="quotecyc">&quot;' . $chosen1[0] . 
>>> '&quot;<br/>-Omniversalism.com</span>';
>>> mysql_close();
>> -- 
>> Enjoy,
>> Jim Lucas
>> Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different 
>> strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.
>> - Rush
I would suggest using either assoc or row this way there is no 
confusion.  Plus it doesn't take as much resources. :)


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different 
strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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