Scott Gunn wrote:

I'm going to write some php code which will build this menu from an XML file.

Before I do, I want to know what sort of browser compatibility it has? could you guys test it and let me know if it worked ok and looked like the preview picture?

If your on IE7 or Firefox2 and it works please don't email back as I know these work fine.

Best Regards

XP/NS8.1.2 You have some padding issues. The logo? image in the upper left moves a little when you browse over the general link, but then straightens out once you move off. Looks like a hover/padding issue.

XP/IE6 The font is wrong for all text, it uses browser default instead of specified. Also, the initial layer menus General, Customers, and Account do not work.

XP/FF Works

XP/FF Works

XP/Opera 9.10 Under the Account menu, the content is aligned to the right, but in all other browsers it is left aligned. The second layer menu with Blah Blah #1... etc is aligned to the right side of the icon to the parent left edge, instead of the left side of icon, like the rest of the browsers.


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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