On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 00:42 +0500, Fahad Pervaiz wrote:
> ######ORIGINAL########
> I've got all three Magic Quote directives turned off...
> When I use sql query to grab any string from a database, it still spits out
> the \ in front of the special characters..
> Any ideas?
> thanks
> ######END ORIGINAL####
> If data stored in database has escape character '\' then use stripslashes()
> If your want to turn off automatic escaping then turn off these directive
> magic_quotes_gpc
> magic_quotes_runtime
> magic_quotes_sybase

He said he disabled 3 magic quote directives. In your response I notice
you list exactly 3 directives. I wonder if they're the same three he
said he disabled :|

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