On Wed, February 28, 2007 3:24 am, Delta Storm wrote:
> I'm building an CMS system (for practice and experience :)).
> And of course like many times before I have encountered a problem.
> The problem is:
> I have a index.php that takes the news from the database and publishes
> them. And by the end of every news on index.php I have a link ('<a
> href="showfullnews.php?id=$id">Show full news</a>')
> That leads to a page that has the full news.
> At the beginning of showfullnews i have a variable ( $id =
> $_GET['id']; )

echo "id starsts as $id<br />\n";

> And in index.php I have the following code:
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
> {

echo "about to change id from '$id' to '$row[id]'<br />\n";

>       $id= $row['id'];

> etc...
> }
> In the database I have two tables one for a short version of news for
> index.php and another for fullNews.
> In full news the query is: "select title,newsFull from fullnews where
> id='$id'";

echo $query, "<br />\n";

> In the database i'm 100% sure there is a id = 1 in both rows.
> I really dont know what is the problem.

Just echo out each variable in turn until you are sure it's what you
think it is.

Somewhere along the way, one of them isn't.

Also turn on E_NOTICE so you'll find any typos.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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