On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 22:53 -0500, markw@mohawksoft.com wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 17:31 -0500, markw@mohawksoft.com wrote:
> >> > Your claim is that in ALL cases using a file system to store images
> >> > is preferable to using a database. As such, you claim that using a dB
> >> > for storing images is "bad" practice.
> >>
> >> That is fairly close to my professional opinion, yes. There is, of
> >> course,
> >> always the exception to any rule, but in general, I would call storing
> >> bitmaps in a database without a damn good reason, a bad practice, yes.
> >
> > Ah, you've changed your tune. Thanks for coming out.
> I haven't changed any tune what so ever.

Uhm, ooooookaaaaaay dooookaaaaaaaay then. I guess it's a good thing that
the archives tell the real story... not to mention the readers of the
list don't exactly have short memories.

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