On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, steve wrote:

Also, when you hit the 1024 image limit you have to think about
directory schema to store the images, as the linux filesystem (and also
on other 32 bit systems) will start getting slow, until things like ls
will just give you an error.

We have a system (I didn't work on it, just maintaining it) that has
about 1100 images in a directory. I think we aren't seen any problems
just because it's on a 64bit system.

What filesystem has a 1024 image (file) limit?

None, but they start to decay. The real problem comes at about 10000, which for a DB is a very small amount of data.

The real problem with these 1100 images is that the names are being put by the user (very bad, not something I would ever do) and the are running out of understadable names :-)

Also, on ext3 you can add the dir_index option to a volume to use a
btree index on directories (which, funny enough, is the base for some
databases). Not that ext3 is great, mind you, though it is well

It's the FS we normaly use. :-)

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