Alain Roger wrote:
the index.php page is the first page where user should logon.
it consists of 3 flags (english, french and slovak).
when use click on 1 flags, it reload the "index.php" page and changes the
login and password words by their relative translation into the flag country

if user click on LOGON button, therefore it calls the checklogin.php page
and ONLY if login and password are correct, the session is created by
session_start(); command.

I've read the $_SESSION array is available even if the session_start()
command has not been used.
but they told that variable stored in $_SESSION are not available to user
till session_start() has not been used...

in my case, they are available... :-(

2 possibilities...

1) The session.auto_start php.ini setting is On - this causes session_start to be called before each request is processed.

2) There is no session. Remember that $_SESSION is a variable just like any other. It just happens that it gets stored between page requests if session_start is called. There is nothing stopping you using that variable, but I highly doubt its contents are getting stored between requests if you're not calling session_start.


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