Looks like your serialized data isn't right.  I added two curly brackets }} 
to the end, and unserialized the string with no problems.

""Richard Kurth"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> How can I get the data out of this string that has been serialize I need 
> to
> get it into an array so I can access the data with something like
> $testdata[1]
> I have tried
> $testdata= unserialize($testdata);
> also
> $sst= base64_encode(serialize($testdata));
> $testdata1= unserialize(base64_decode($sst));
> I ether get an error bool(false) or the same data back.
> I do not have control of the script that serializes it
> $testdata='a:17:{s:11:"event_start";s:4:"2230";s:9:"event_end";s:4:"2300";s:
> 14:"start_unixtime";i:1173076200;s:12:"end_unixtime";i:1173078000;s:10:"even
> t_text";s:37:"Call+NANCYADKINS+-+%28276%29+681-6548";s:12:"event_length";i:1
> 800;s:13:"event_overlap";i:0;s:11:"description";s:17:"This+is+test+Data";s:6
> :"status";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:7:"CONTACT";s:9:"spans_day";b:0;s:8:"location
> ";s:0:"";s:9:"organizer";s:6:"a:0:{}";s:8:"attendee";s:6:"a:0:{}";s:9:"calnu
> mber";i:1;s:7:"calname";s:5:"admin";s:3:"url";s:0:""';

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