Maybe you want to give an example of what you have, and what it should be
after decoding.
I have no idea what Hive Logic Enkoder exactly does, but somebody might give
you a help on how to decode.


On 3/9/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Short Version:
Anybody got a good quick clean hack to "crack" Hive Logic Enkoder?

CC me off-list on this one, please.

Long Version:
So this guy I'm working for has 55,000 web pages he built by hand, and
I need to scrape them into a database, to assimilate them into the new
system where all the new documents are db-driven.

In some of these documents, he used the Hive Logic Enkoder online to
create that gnarly JavaScript to obfuscate emails, and pasted it into
hist documents.
[And in some cases back in 2000 he didn't, which is one of the reasons
for importing and re-publishing all these documents, so we can control
email exposure much better.]

So what I need is a Hive Logic Dekoder.

I've found phpjs, which seemed like a winner, but it choked on my
first sample. :-(

I've found J4P5 (Javascript 4 (for) PHP 5) which requires PHP 5,
which, for complex reasons not relevant here, we're not using (yet).
If I absolutely HAVE to, I can probably convince gentoo to install PHP
5 CLI next to PHP 4, and run it via exec() from PHP4, just for this
one task.  Sounds pretty cumbersome, and I like to K.I.S.S.

Plus, it took me a week to figure out how to trick Gentoo into giving
me pcntl in PHP 4 CLI and not in APXS, and to have both installed at
the same time.  So getting PHP 5 without it assuming I'm trying to
upgrade and remove PHP 4 would probably take another week or two, just
to install. :-(

J4P5 references MetaPHP, which looks really nifty, but I don't want to
write my own PHP4-based JS interpreter in MetaPHP, as I'm a)
unqualified and b) under time constraints that make that *WAY* out of

I could, in theory, run Windows plus a COM object to fire up IE and
possibly hook into the DOM to get the result of the JS, as I have a
testing framework I hacked from a php|arch article that does that...
Except I'm not using Windows here, so I'd have to re-do the whole
thing with, errr, whatever is the moral equivalent...

I suppose I could attempt (again) to use Perl [shudder] and get that
Package thingie I've heard of that lets Perl execute JS, and then
exec() Perl to execute the JS, but that sounds awfully cumbersome, and
I'm a K.I.S.S. kind of guy.

At this point, I've got several unattractive options, and am hoping
somebody who has been down this road can help me eliminate some of
them, or, in an ideal world, point me to the perfect solution I've
managed to miss.

CC me on this one, please.


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